For Parents » Parent Portal/Student Information

Parent Portal/Student Information

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Click here to log in


Note: Changes were made to the website recently. The web address and parent login have not changed and parents should not experience problems. The changes to the new portal make it possible to access many enhanced features including the new Student Profile which gives a quick overview of the student’s attendance, grades, test scores and demographic information. Although the changes should not cause any problems, if assistance is needed please contact Student Services at (760) 243-5884 ext 103 or via email at [email protected]. Thank You!


How do I contact help?  I’m having trouble setting up an account or getting the website to work.


Although we don’t have the capacity to provide general technical support for home computers, we would be glad to help you with the website questions.  The directions for setting up your account and logging in are on the right side of this page. Click on the document image and download the PDF to your computer. If you are still having trouble, please contact Student Services at (760) 243-5884 ext 103 or via email at [email protected]. When you contact us, please include your name; your child’s name, grade and your daytime phone number in your message.


Viruses and spyware can cause significant interference with the website.  Please be sure your computer’s virus protection is up to date and that you clean spyware from your computer frequently. Spybot and Ad-Aware have free spyware removal tools.


Microsoft Internet Explorer running on a Window-based PC is the only software that will provide accurate student information online.  Although some other browsers appear to work, some features may work imperfectly, giving inaccurate information.  Also, the website will only work on a PC running Windows, not on a Macintosh.

I lost my verification code.


To protect student privacy by avoiding the risk of a person not authorized by parents creating an account, we cannot give replacement verification codes over the phone or via e-mail.  If you leave a message either via phone or e-mail at (see above), a replacement verification code will be mailed to your home address.

I forgot my password.


Click on the Forgot Your Password link in the lower right hand corner of the website log on screen.  Your password will automatically be sent to the e-mail address you used when creating the account.

I have more than one child attending Riverside Preparatory School, will I have to log in and out of the website separately for each of my kids?


You will need to go through the account setup process for each child once, but the website will then group all of your children into a single account where it’s easy to switch back and forth between kids.

Do I have to set up a new account every year?


No, unless your child transfers out of Riverside Preparatory School and then re-enrolls.

We moved, and my phone number and address changed.


If any of your information changes, please contact the school, which will update the database so that you can set up a Parent Portal account.

How current is the information shown in the website?


The data you see is in real time.  As soon as data is posted to the database, you can see it.  For attendance data, you can expect that teachers will take roll and post the data by the end of the period.  Teachers update homework and grades periodically as needed, but it is unlikely that parents would see the results of the previous evening’s homework the next day, for example, because evaluating student work takes time and teachers have multiple responsibilities, including planning lessons, working with student in extracurricular activities such drama, and coaching athletic teams – in addition to time spent teaching multiple classes each day.

We don’t have a computer at home, and I would like to access the website.


The website will work on any Internet-connected computer running Windows.  You can access student information from work, or public libraries.

I have a question about an assignment that’s listed.


Please ask your child about the assignment, then if you still have a question, the teacher can provide further information.  You will see the teacher’s e-mail address near the top of the page that has grade information.  You can also contact teachers by phone.  Please contact your school’s office for teacher phone numbers and extensions.

I just saw my child’s attendance, and I realized I needed to clear an absence.


Please give your child a note to take to school, or contact your school’s attendance office via phone.

I don’t want the emergency contacts in my child’s information to be able to view this information.


Unless you have given us an e-mail address that has been entered in our database, it is not possible to set up an account without the verification code, and the code is only sent to the address we have listed as your child’s home address.  If parents and students do not share the verification code with other people, no other people can set up accounts, even if they are emergency contacts, unless their e-mail addresses have been entered in our database.  On the other hand, it is also possible that your child has a grandmother who is a positive influence, and you might want to giver her access.  Sending the grandmother the verification code and the student ID would allow her to set up an account, as long as she was listed as an emergency contact.  If parents are divorced, the parent at the child’s home address will receive the information and can share it with the parent residing at a different address.  Step-parents can have their own accounts, also.  It is up to the parent(s) living at the child’s home address to decide who should have accounts and to distribute the verification code and student ID to those people only.